2022 MOANALUA HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (above) The Moanalua High School Executive Council is made up of fifteen volunteers. VOLUNTEERS! While officers are elected, they choose to run knowing that if they win, there is no physical reward, no letter grade, no incentive other than the pure satisfaction of doing a good job and representing the student body. At times, we achieve great success while at other times, we achieve somewhat less, but it is always a learning process. While we can take away much satisfaction from doing a good job, we can also learn from mistakes and try to better ourselves the next time. And so, at the end of our terms, while we do not earn a credit, a letter grade or even a certificate of achievement proving our accomplishments, we can take away the self-satisfaction in knowing that we did our best for the students, school and community, and that positive experience is something we can really use as contributing adult members of society.



This year's annual S.A. Joint Executive Council Planning Retreat was completed in record time!  The retreat usually concludes at or near 4:00 p.m. on the second day, but this year, all work was done by 2:40 p.m.!  While the retreat ended over an hour earlier than usual, all major events were planned and discussions were as lively and productive as usual.  What made it quick and productive was the fact that there was an extra high level of understanding and compromise with 23 different minds all trying to reach a common goal.  In addition, there was the usual camaraderie, shopping and dining fun, scavenger hunt, and late evening chats.  Next school year is looking great!  Thank you to all present and incoming officers as well as the four class advisors who made it all possible!
Hitting the sidewalk for dinner in Waikiki!

Mark desperately wants to borrow Devin's blanket!


Present Vice President Eunica and President Devin kick-off discussions!

Incoming President Jessica and Vice President Mark follow up!

EVERYONE participates!

Advisors head out for lunch!

Kylah and Lisa make sure this cupcake place is on the scavenger hunt list!

Erin, Shareen, Ashley and Lisa check off Haagen Dazs from the list!

Mark braves the Honolulu Cookie Company alone!

The Stupid Factory is on the list, too?

Mark and Kiara find yet another factory, The Cheesecake factory!

Victoria is not sure if THIS place is part of the scavenger hunt!

Kylah, Jessica and Edra compare notes!

TOP ROW (l-r):  Nathan, Erin, Jessica D., Ashley, Jessica L., Mark, Alyssa, and Kylah.  MIDDLE ROW (l-r):  Lisa, Victoria, Alisha, Kiara, Edra, Shareen, Lily, and Brooke.  BOTTOM ROW (l-r): Crystal, Jocelyn, Rachelle, K, Eunica, Jennifer, and Devin.