Veterans' Day is also traditionally Campus Beautification Day. While most CB Days attract 150-200 volunteers, this year's event drew exactly 250 volunteers, the most since we started official sign in sheets, but the actual total is probably closer to 300 as there were two athletic teams who did projects but did not sign in. Because there were so many volunteers, most of the tasks were completed before the end time of 10 a.m. Tasks included repainting "No Loitering" stripes, classroom cleaning, landscaping, cafeteria window cleaning, gum scraping, litter pick-up, table and bench painting, recycle bin cleaning and of course, the traditional repainting of the "M's," in Mene Square and in front of the Student Center. MANY THANKS go out to our administrative team who helped us gain access to various classrooms and buildings, the advisors of all participating grade levels and clubs, athletic team coaches for soccer, volleyball, and air riflery, and most importantly to all 250+ student volunteers who gave up part of their holiday to help beautify the school! Thanks also to all organizations, alumni and individuals who donated refreshments and supplies!
Officers prepare to serve refreshments! |
Picnic tables get a re-do! |
Planter boxes are refreshed! |
NHS Advisors Ms. Henrickson and
Ms. Ayin add some sweat equity!
Gum scraping....ewww! |
Brighten those windows! |
"NO LOITERING!" Please? |
Recycle bins can be sticky! |
Student Center "M" looks great! |
So does the Mene Square "M!" |
Even the benches get a coat of paint! |