2022 MOANALUA HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (above) The Moanalua High School Executive Council is made up of fifteen volunteers. VOLUNTEERS! While officers are elected, they choose to run knowing that if they win, there is no physical reward, no letter grade, no incentive other than the pure satisfaction of doing a good job and representing the student body. At times, we achieve great success while at other times, we achieve somewhat less, but it is always a learning process. While we can take away much satisfaction from doing a good job, we can also learn from mistakes and try to better ourselves the next time. And so, at the end of our terms, while we do not earn a credit, a letter grade or even a certificate of achievement proving our accomplishments, we can take away the self-satisfaction in knowing that we did our best for the students, school and community, and that positive experience is something we can really use as contributing adult members of society.


6/29-7/1: IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A PLANE! IT'S SLC 2015!!!

That's right!  This year's summer Student Leadership Conference flew with a superhero theme and how student leaders can be such heroes.  Over 30 secondary schools were represented with student leaders attending workshops and participating in team building activities.  In addition, participants were treated to guest speakers and workshop experts.  Hopefully, the student leaders will take back what was learned to produce more and/or better school activities.  Moanalua sent 11 participants and supplied 4 present and former facilitators.  Special thanks to Ms. Tiffany Frias and the entire facilitative staff as well as all Student Activity Coordinators and other teachers who served as chaperones. 
Facilitators welcome participants from over 30 schools!

Students learned new team building games!

And MORE games!

Groups also presented original skits related to the superhero theme!

The Central District gang!

Just Moanalua!
Top Row (l-r):  Victoria Kaahaaina, Lisa Nakamura, and Kiara Vicens.
Second Row (l-r):  Ashley Whang, Jessica Delgado, Erin Kobayashi, and Edra Ha.
Third Row (l-r):  Alisha McDevitt, Jessica Luong, and Alyssa Kim.
Bottom Row (l-r):  Nathan Bae, Lily Tam, Jannah Dela Cruz, and Justin Honda.