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These recycle bins are heavy! |
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We're NEVER chewing another piece of gum! |
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Hey! We can SEE ourselves! Is this Windex? |
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Yardwork is FUN! |
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Our administrators lend a hand! Mrs. Toyama is good at this! |
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Seniors scour the campus for trash! |
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Devin carefully balances a tray of drinks! |
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Sophomores carefully (purposely?) box in Jared Nitta! |
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In the end, Sophomores do an outstanding job! |
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Girls' Basketball with help from the Sophomores re-do the Mene Square "M!"
(Jared's going to be boxed in AGAIN!) |
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The end result is awesome! |
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Freshmen re-do "No Loitering stripes." Drinks, anyone? |
Our annual Veterans' Day Campus Beautification was very successful thanks to our administrative team and custodial staff who took on some early problems and helped iron out everything. Clubs, athletic teams and grade level classes all came out to do various tasks including: Seniors (trash pick-up), Juniors (landscaping), Sophomores (painting of both "M's"), Freshmen ("No Loitering" stripes), Girls' Basketball (painting of the Mene Square "M"), Cheerleaders (painting picnic tables), Girls' Soccer (gum scraping and recycle bin cleaning), Air Rifle (lower court cleaning); Spanish Club (room cleaning); Dance Moanalua (gum scraping); Math Club (cafeteria window cleaning); PAAC (fan cleaning) and the S.A. officers who served refreshments. Thanks also to those who donated supplies including: C. Shimoda, F. Tanitomi, A. Garbe, P. Nitta, L. Voss, NHS, custodian volunteers and the administrative team.