Incoming officers take the oath (l-r): Jocelyn Yip (SSC Representative), Justin Honda (HSSC Representative), Selena Fung (Corresponding Secretary), Eunica Escalante (Recording Secretary), Lily Tam (Treasurer), Marlene Loui (Clerk), and Jamie Hwang (President). Missing: Devin Soogrim (Vice President) |
Outgoing officers (l-r): Danielle Hipol (President), Erica Carlos (Vice President), Jannah Dela Cruz (Recording Secretary), Krizchelle Magtoto (Treasurer), and Rachel Tanoue (Clerk) |
Bronze Medal Senators (one year of service)
Silver Medal Senators (two years of service) |
Gold Medal Senators (three years of service) |
Blue-Silver Medal Senators (four years of service) |
The final Senate Meeting of the year is by invitation only based on the number of absences, three or fewer. At this meeting, we recognize committee chairs, senators based on years of service, and outgoing S.A. Officers. This year, we also inducted the incoming officers since many of them will be taking AP Exams during the Awards Assembly where the induction normally occurs. Congratulations to all award winners and thank you for your service! (Note: Senator pictures above represent only a fraction of the 100 senators as many were absent for various reasons.)