Monday, February 25: Johnny Bravo Day
Winner: Ms. Tateyama's Period 1 |
Fairly Odd Parents Gimme Gimme Winner: Jacob Leigh, 12 |
Tuesday, February 26: Powerpuff Girls Day
Winner: Ms. Tateyama's Period 1 |
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Powder-puff Football Tournament Winner: Seniors, Class of 2013 |
Wednesday, February 27: Spongebob Yellow Day
Winner: Mr. Takahashi's Period 3 |
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Fill the Bucket Winner: Howie Robinson, 9 |
Thursday, February 28: Scooby Gang Day
Winner: Ms. Sze's Period 1 |
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Scooby Snack Eating Winner: Katarie Kancel, 12 |
Friday, March 1: Cosplay Day
Winner: Ms. Sze's Period 4 |
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ID the Anime Character Winner: Howie Robinson, 9 |
Spirit Week was created five years ago to have an activity that boosts everyone's spirit during a traditionally "slow" period, the end of February. This is long after the excitement of Homecoming has died, Winter Fantasy is over, the holidays are done, and just before prom season and of course, the end of the school year. The week is filled with dress-up days, noon hour games, and the Powder-puff Tournament. Except for the powder-puff games and a couple of dress-up days, the rest of the activities were apathetic at best in terms of participation. Since no suggestions for a theme were given, the officers had to think up one themselves. If this activity is to be continued, student input is needed!