The flag and rifle teams rock out with the band! |
Cheerleaders give a hint of what's to come at competitions! |
Athletes are recognized for their efforts in the fall! |
Advisor Karl Achiu (right) encourages the seniors before the competition! |
But it's the Sophomores who proved victorious! |
Just when you think Homecoming is over and spirit is dying, the Fall Pep Rally comes around to bring it back up! The seven teams that participate in the fall were recognized: Air Rifle, Bowling, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Soft Tennis, JV Softball and Volleyball. Cheerleaders gave a preview of their upcoming competition routine, and the always awesome band was also featured as the annual Menehune Classic comes up as well as other marching competitions. Principal Galera also gave the first quarter Principal's Report that featured important information about testing. Finally, classes competed in an on-off t-shirt game using football jerseys instead to remind everyone to come to the play-off game. Congratulations to the Sophomores who won that event!