2022 MOANALUA HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (above) The Moanalua High School Executive Council is made up of fifteen volunteers. VOLUNTEERS! While officers are elected, they choose to run knowing that if they win, there is no physical reward, no letter grade, no incentive other than the pure satisfaction of doing a good job and representing the student body. At times, we achieve great success while at other times, we achieve somewhat less, but it is always a learning process. While we can take away much satisfaction from doing a good job, we can also learn from mistakes and try to better ourselves the next time. And so, at the end of our terms, while we do not earn a credit, a letter grade or even a certificate of achievement proving our accomplishments, we can take away the self-satisfaction in knowing that we did our best for the students, school and community, and that positive experience is something we can really use as contributing adult members of society.


12/18: I'D MELT FOR YOU!

Winter Fantasy 2014:  "I'd Melt for You!  What a great time was had by all!  Typically, students leave early because they think they have better things to do.  But this year, by the time 10:00 came around, only a small handful of students had left early, most of whom had prior engagements.  Another plus this year was that only a few students were caught "naughty dancing" and many were not from Moanalua.  Once again, a great event put on by advisor Lori Mizue and chairpersons Devin Soogrim and Jackie Agena.  Thanks to all the administrators and chaperones who gave up their Thursday night as well.  Be on the look-out, December 17 is right around the corner, 365 days from now for Winter Fantasy 2015! 
First order of business:  TAKE THE PICTURE!

Some were still undecided about their pose!

The most important food group:  DESSERT!

Chair covers added a touch of class this year!

The photo booth was popular as usual!

Mr. Cabanting and Mr. Gragas , ESPN can wait!

Of course, the ladies had no problem checking in students!