Once again, a school year came to a close, but to open the new year, the annual S.A. leadership conference went off with a SCREAM! With help from 11 dedicated alums to facilitate and 12 incoming officers, a total of 63 students were treated to a day of energizers and workshops, hopefully to improve their leadership skills for the coming school year. Many of the participants were presidents or heads of various organizations. We also welcomed middle school guests from Moanalua and Kamehameha! Special thanks go out to all the advisors who gave up their Saturday to help: Ms. Gail Vannatta (KMS), Ms. Renae Villa (MMS), Ms. Lachelle Sablan (MoHS c/o 2015), Ms. Lauren Kiyono (MoHS c/o 2016), Mr. Justin Kohara (MoHS c/o 2017), and Ms. Maggie Chiu (MoHS c/o 2018).
Now introducing.... |
Energizer time! |
We're ready! |
People Bingo always mixes 'em up! |
Learning the Interactive Method! |
Let's manage our time wisely! |
Good communication is always important! |
Everyone take some risks! |
We've got some moves! |
So do we! |
Do WE have any moves? |
She's MY girl...don't you forget it! |
We move so fast it's a blur! |
The Shave Ice group was....cool! |
Whole group aloha! |
Present and past officers unite! |